Thursday, May 26, 2005

Can I?

Can I be selfish
Just for one day?
Can I please
Just do it my way?
Can I not be perfect?
Can I hurt someone too?
And not be the one
Who sits back and says 'poor you'?
Can I just be irrational
And can I be really scared?
Can I just wail and scream
About how life is unfair?
Can I just forget the good times
And just dwell on the bad?
Can I just not care about anyone?
And for a little while, be sad?
Can I just sit down and cry
And not have to turn around
And tell everyone a lie?
"I'm fine," I say, "It's nothing
I'm just a sentimental girl
Of course there's nothing going wrong
In my perfect little world!"
Can I please just be selfish?
I don't think it's too much to ask.
It's not like I'm drowning sorrows
In beer bottles or wine cask.
Just a little selfish
Wanting all but nothing much
A little more stability
And a lot more love and such.

Can I please just have a hug
And someone to care for me?
Someone to make a big big fuss
About how I was treated by he.
Can someone please rant and rave
Just on my behalf?
And tell me that I'm beautiful
Without having to ask?
Can someone show me how it is
I'm supposed to live my life
Without getting into so much trouble
Turmoil and strife.
Can someone please just love me
Without questioning my love?
And not expect perfection
Like some perfect white dove?
I just want a big bear hug
To take away my pain.
After all I have nothing to lose
And everything to gain.
I don't want just a relationship
Just a love to last always
Someone to make me special
And feel so throughout my days.
I don't think I'm asking much
Just someone to stand up for me
I'm sick of doing it on my own
And failing frequently.
I don't want someone perfect
I just want someone sane
Who treats me like I'm wonderful
And who I can treat the same.

2003 evk

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